Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy

Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy

At Dental Space, our dentists for braces offer innovative Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy as a revolutionary approach to orthodontic treatment. This non-invasive method focuses on correcting oral habits and promoting proper facial growth, particularly beneficial for children and teenagers.

Struggling with Poor Oral Habits and Misaligned Teeth?

Incorrect oral habits such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, and thumb sucking can lead to improper jaw development and misaligned teeth. These issues can cause speech difficulties, breathing problems, and compromised facial aesthetics.
  • Incorrect Oral Habits: Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and tongue thrusting that can negatively affect jaw growth and dental alignment.
  • Jaw Development Issues: Improper jaw alignment can lead to crowded teeth, speech difficulties, and aesthetic concerns.
  • Sleep and Breathing Problems: Poor oral posture can cause sleep apnea and other breathing issues.

Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy

Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy focus on correcting oral habits, breathing patterns, and muscle function. By doing so, they can help prevent the need for traditional braces or reduce treatment time if braces are still required. This approach not only improves dental alignment but also enhances overall oral health, facial aesthetics, and even breathing quality.
Unlike conventional braces, Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy take a preventive stance. They aim to guide proper facial growth and development in children, potentially avoiding the need for extensive orthodontic work later in life. For adults, this therapy can address long-standing issues and provide a more comprehensive solution to dental misalignment.

How Myobraces and Myofunctional Works?

Myobraces and Myofunctional therapy work by addressing the root causes of dental misalignment and improper oral function. Unlike traditional dentists for braces who focus primarily on straightening teeth, this approach takes a more comprehensive view of oral health.
Stage 1:
Habit Correction
The journey begins with correcting harmful oral habits. Patients learn to breathe through their noses instead of their mouths, a crucial change for healthy dental and facial development. This stage also involves exercises to improve tongue posture and swallowing patterns.
Stage 2:
Arch Development
As treatment progresses, Myobrace works to expand the dental arch. This creates sufficient space for incoming teeth, reducing the likelihood of crowding and misalignment that often necessitate visits to dentists for braces later in life.
Stage 3:
Dental Alignment
Once proper habits are established and the dental arch is developed, Myobrace focuses on naturally guiding teeth into their correct positions. This stage is particularly effective as permanent teeth begin to appear.
Stage 4:
The final stage emphasizes maintaining the healthy habits developed during treatment, ensuring long-term stability and reducing the chances of needing traditional braces in the future.

Achieve Natural Development with Myobraces and Myofunctional Therapy

Natural Teeth Alignment

Guides teeth into correct positions without fixed braces in many cases

Develops & Align jaws

Encourages proper growth and alignment of the jaw

Enhanced Breathing

Promotes nasal breathing for better overall health

Correct Poor Oral Habits

Addresses improper swallowing and tongue positioning

Optimises Facial Development

Can lead to more balanced facial features

Reduced Risk of TMJ Disorders

Proper jaw alignment and muscle function can prevent issues

Improved Speech

Correcting tongue posture can enhance speech clarity

Before & After Treatments

Got questions? We have answers!

Treatment is best suited to children aged 3 to 15 and involves using a series of removable intraoral appliances that are worn for one to two hours each day plus overnight while sleeping.

Treatment duration varies, but typically ranges from 12 to 24 months. Consistency in following the prescribed exercises and wearing the appliances is key to achieving optimal results.

In many cases, especially when started early, Myobrace can eliminate the need for conventional braces. However, some patients may still require additional orthodontic treatment.

Myobrace is generally very safe. Some patients may experience temporary discomfort or difficulty speaking when first using the appliances, but these effects usually subside quickly.
For best results, the appliance should be worn for 1-2 hours during the day and while sleeping at night. Your dentists for braces/orthodontist will provide specific instructions based on your individual needs.

Yes, Myofunctional therapy can be beneficial for some cases of sleep apnea by improving tongue posture and promoting nasal breathing, which may help reduce sleep-disordered breathing.

Get Your Natural Dental Solution Today

Book your consultation today and explore how Myobrace and Myofunctional help correct dental issues effectively and comfortably. Schedule your visit to Dental Space Cheras today and experience personalized care in a comfortable environment.